
Why you need network security for your home network

Schools have it, banks have it, but why do you need it? Network security is not something to be taken lightly. Public institutions make use of network safeguards because they handle sensitive information, but then so do you. There are two types of network: wired and wireless. A wired network is as the name implies: […]

ipad confused

iPad for dummies: a guide for the new user

The iPad is a nifty piece of technology that can be a great help, if you know how to use it, that is! Many people hesitate when it comes to buying a tablet, because they don’t know how to use it, or what it can do. This is where our iPad guide comes in handy. […]


Safeguarding your identity online

Nigerian millionaires looking for your help, bank payments from Russia that didn’t go through, or even Facebook “friends” who want to “reconnect” with you; there are scams for everything out there. Using the internet means you have to be prepared to defend yourself from unscrupulous tricksters who want into your computer, bank account, and identity. […]

iPhone 5

7 common iPhone 5 faults

Apple sold a record five million iPhone 5’s within the first three days they were on sale, but such a huge number of devices out in the market has also resulted in a number of problems being discovered. Here are seven problems people have complained about with the iPhone 5, and their solutions: (credit: nydailynews.com) […]


Benefits of a virtual server for business

Most small to medium businesses run on computers, and those computers are often backed up by servers; a machine that serves the information needs of your business from one central location. But like many things, servers are going virtual, which means there are many additional benefits gained that can save your business even more time […]

Ergonomic tips

Ergonomic tips to save your health

Look around the office and observe your co-workers sitting at their desks. What does their posture look like? Do they hunch forward with their heads hanging down? Are they sitting ramrod straight? Have they managed to contort themselves into impossible (and yet comfy) positions? What about your posture? Have you given that a thought? Every […]

sick computer

Signs and symptoms of a computer virus

Sometimes your computer contracts a virus and there’s no way you can tell. Other times the warning signs are detectable, ranging from subtle to glaringly obvious. Here are 11 signs and symptoms of a computer riddled with viruses, malware, and other nasties. 1. Loss of speed: when your programmes or browser is loading slower, or […]

Windows 8

Windows 8: how do you use it?

Windows 8 can be a bit confusing, even for the veteran Microsoft fan. When I first was given the chance to play around with it the first thing that stumped me was the lack of a ‘Start’ button. No start button? But Windows always has a start button. Without a start button how can I […]


Jailbreaking: should I-shouldn’t I?

You’ve probably heard rumours both good and bad about jail-breaking smartphones and tablets of the Apple variety. Like many things, jail-breaking is a risk each user takes with both benefits and draw-backs. The term ‘Jailbreaking’ is evocative of daring night-time prison-busts, with spotlights and swarms of cops, but the reality is much more mundane. ‘Jailbreaking’ […]


The age of the computer-dinosaurs has passed

It’s the 21st century and modern times mean modern equipment! If you’ve been paying any attention at all, you will have noticed that cathode ray tube monitors for computer screens are being phased out. If you don’t know what that means, cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors were those boxy computer monitors that took up almost […]